Monday, December 21, 2009

Auto insurance in California

California Auto insurance is mandatory

If you live in California and drive a car, California car insurance is mandatory. Even if you're a safe driver and have never had an accident, you must have car insurance you have. If you do not have insurance, you may be ticketed and fined for violating what is known as the Budget Act responsibilities.

The minimum insurance California car that is required is $ 15,000 Bodily Injury Liability (per person), $ 30,000 Bodily Injury Liability (by accident) and property damage $ 5,000. This coverage is usually known as 15/30/5, and is the minimum that must be made. While this is a minimum is good practice to carry more than the minimum insurance cover. The cost of both medical treatment and repair of motor vehicles accidents, often exceeding the minimum coverage policy, leaving the driver financially liable for any costs to cover.

Buying auto insurance in California is actually relatively simple. California state law requires that each insurance company maintain a website or toll-free number that consumers can use to obtain competitive rates for coverage. Insurance companies that the issue of California car must provide this service if you want to do business in California.

Many insurance agents in California to offer consumers competitive rates for auto insurance in California. These agents take the information provided by consumers and using this information Compare prices available from different companies. This service provided by the subjects allows the customer to compare the rates of accuracy available to them the assurance that they feel they need.

If there was a dispute between a contractor and the insurance company, the State of California has a mediation system in place. Both parties, the insured and the insurance company will present the facts the mediator and the mediator will work with both parties to come to an amicable solution of the problem.

Tariffs for compulsory insurance for California cars are not particularly expensive, however, because the rate of claims against insurance companies, rates increase every year. Since 1997, claims against insurance companies every year. These claims are ultimately paid for by higher premiums for all insured persons. Insurance is optional, and if a motorist is stopped by a police officer and can not show proof of insurance, the agent will issue a summons thereafter.
